Atomic Abe Hits 5 Million Views!

We’re pleased to announce that Atomic Abe’s YouTube channel has reached 5 million cumulative views and over 36,000 subscribers. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to subscribe to Atomic Abe on YouTube.

Recently, we launched a BRAND NEW SERIES all about anthology TV shows. Much like our hit series Behind the Backdoor Pilot,” “Anthology of Anthology TV Shows” takes a look at weird, wild and forgotten anthology shows from the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s and beyond. So far we’ve spotlighted anthology shows featuring the likes of Steve Martin, Vincent Price and more.

Watch a sample episode of “Anthology of Anthology TV Shows” below. To see more, visit Atomic Abe on YouTube.


Crazy Mel’s Film Festival Run


Atomic Abe’s Nick Nadel On the Comic Crusaders Podcast